За лайки и репосты, отдельная благодарность! https://youtu.be/euS5erkyU2Y Cast: Tatyana Pomerantseva, yoga instructor: www.instagram.com/flp_tania_ask Music by: Composer Dmitry Zhur. Minsk, www.instagram.com/dmitry_zhur_kompozitor Namaste. My name is Tatyana Pomerantseva. And I am a professional yoga instructor for more than 4 years. Yoga was a gift from God in my life! As a child, I dreamed of knowing my body, because there was an undeniable inner feeling that the human body is capable of all those tricks that were shown in the movies and even more. And I also loved to feel my body, every cell of it, as if these sensations connected me with the life around and it was the only way I really felt alive. And I did it through sports, dancing, but it was not enough. More than 10 years ago, a friend became a guide of God and gave me a CD with a yoga lesson. At first it seemed to me that yoga is boring and to slow for me, because I could do sports and dancing for 8 hours per day, every day. Therefore, the first in my family to learn yoga was my dad. After 1 year, looking at my dad and his results, I realized that I had made a mistake and made the wrong conclusion about yoga and plunged into the practice. Every morning for the first 3 years I started with Surya Namaskar (Salutations to the Sun). And then I began to rediscover life for myself. Doing yoga on my own was not enough, so, besides morning yoga, I began to attend yoga studios, meditate, learn different directions. And so great awareness blossomed within. Yoga is unity. Firstly, it was completely incomprehensible. I realized that our body, every cell, every organ, every system in the body is a reflection of the entire universe. The better their functions are performed, the better the whole system works - the human body. So it is in life around. Each person, every living creature, object and condition fulfill their unique functions in a single system called the Universe. And the more consciously, more qualitatively and out of love they fulfill their tasks, the better quality of life around becomes. Yoga gives not only awareness, but through asanas, pranayama, meditation, kriyas, mantras, a person learns to control his body and internal processes that previously worked without his participation. He becomes the master of his body, and at the same time the creator of his life. Yoga opens up hidden potentials by removing unnecessary blocks, clamps. Yoga gives not only awareness, but through yoga: asanas, pranayama, meditation, kriyas, mantras, a person learns to control his body and internal processes that previously worked without his participation. He becomes the master of his body, and at the same time the creator of his life. Yoga opens up hidden potentials by removing unnecessary blocks and clamps in the body and mind. The creative channel opens, the overall quality of life improves. Strength, flexibility, endurance, stress resistance, peace of mind, good health, strong immunity - these are just bonuses from the main condition, which is acquired in the practice of yoga. And this is a state of harmony and inner silence with maximum awareness and fullness of love. The deeper you plunge into this state through yoga, the more you realize that a person is an endless resource of opportunities and creativity, like life itself. This is an endless abundance of everything! This is infinity! If one can do this, you can do it as well! I am very glad and grateful that I have such an opportunity to invite you to this wonderful world. Thank you for your interest in yoga and for your attention! #MyLifeMyYogaBelarus_professional_F #MyLifeMyYogaBelarus #FemaleYogaProfessional Ministryofayush #TatianaPomerantseva #AtmaSevaKaur #YogaEveryWhere #YogaOnline #StudioYogaViaSacra

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